The Little Things Make Life Special

We are a small handmade business with a love for cutting and polishing beautiful stones. Our lapidary studio is in Missouri, USA.

Meet The Flock

kanchana ‘Crow’


Kanchana makes all of our beautiful cabochons. She loves to garden and spend time with her fur babies. She’s also addicted to rockhounding on the internet.

Ben ‘finch’

tech support

Ben makes sure everything runs smoothly in the lapidary studio. He also makes amazing coffee and takes care of all the tech stuff. He is the best in-house tech support!


rock tumbler

Buddy rolls rocks around the lapidary studio and keeps Kanchana company while she’s making cabochons. His favorite snack is sunflower seeds.



When Loki isn’t taking a nap he does a great job of keeping an eye on things.  Luckily, he is happy to work for treats.

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